Trains our cleaning professionals to meet ISSA CITS certification Invests in the latest in equipment maximizing effectiveness. Utilizes technology to increase efficiency.
At ACCSESCLEAN, we understand the importance and value of training and are constantly researching and developing new methods to best serve our clients and employees.
Continuous training is essential to ensure a productive and successful program of customer service excellence.
We are proud to be at the forefront of education and training within our industry, training and educating to elevate our standards and the client experience. That is why ACCSESCLEAN continues to partner with ISSA, The Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association, for training of over 1600 staff members in New Jersey.
ACCSESCLEAN trains its employees on a ongoing basis using CIMS Standards developed by the ISSA. Continuous improvement is the name of the game here at ACCSESCLEAN.
150 W State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
P: 609-392-1212
F: 609-392-3236